Aminet 4
Aminet 4 - November 1994.iso
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336 lines
External DEC VT-340 emulator used by LR-Comm and clones..(-:
VT340 Keys Amiga Keys
---------- ----------
Arrow keys Arrow keys
PF1 Numpad [ on Amiga 500/2000
PF2 Numpad ] on Amiga 500/2000
PF3 Numpad / on Amiga 500/2000
PF4 Numpad * on Amiga 500/2000
F1 (Hold Screen) F1
F2 (Print Screen) F2
CTRL F2 (Auto Print) CTRL F2
ALT F2 (Print Controlled) ALT F2
F3 (Set Up) F3
F4 (Data/Talk) F4
F5 (Send Break) F5
CTRL F5 (Send Answer) CTRL F5
SHIFT F5 (Disconnect) SHIFT F5
/****************** Amiga only ******************/
not available F8 mark edge - linear mode.
not available ALT F8 mark edge - columnar mode.
not available SHIFT F8 mark single word.
not available F9 copy marked area to clipboard.
not available SHIFT F9 copy marked area to clip and
feed the contents immediately
into the terminal input-stream.
not available F10 paste the clipboars contents,
ie feed the contents into
the terminal input-stream.
(the user can select the clipboard-unit in
the Set-Up Window. The unit is preset to 0.)
/****************** Amiga only ******************/
F6 - F20 F6 - F20 on all Amigas
HELP Help on all Amigas
DO Shifted-Help on all Amigas
FIND Shifted-Numpad 7 on all Amigas
INSERT Shifted-Numpad 8 on all Amigas
REMOVE Shifted-Numpad 9 on all Amigas
SELECT Shifted-Numpad 4 on all Amigas
PREV SCREEN Shifted-Numpad 5 on all Amigas
NEXT SCREEN Shifted-Numpad 6 on all Amigas
=> Shifted-Numpad 1 - 3 are trapped (on all Amigas..:-) <=
Control codes in C0 (no high bit) area
unsupported features are marked by an asterisk (*):
ignored features are marked by an exclamation-mark (!):
name hex key operation
ENQ 05 ^E Send answerback message
BEL 07 ^G Audial or visual beep
BS 08 ^H Backspace, move cursor left one character
HT 09 ^I Horizontal tab, move cursor to next tabstop
LF 0a ^J Linefeed, move cursor down one line
VT 0b ^K Vertical Tab, treated as a line feed
FF 0c ^L Formfeed, treated as a line feed
CR 0d ^M Carriage return, move cursor to col 1
SO/LS1 0e ^N Map character set in G1 to GL, locking shift
SI/LS0 0f ^O Map character set in G0 to GL, locking shift
! DC1 11 ^Q XON flow control, resume communication
! DC3 13 ^S XOFF flow control, suspend communication
CAN 18 ^X Cancel escape & control sequence in progress
SUB 1a ^Z Treated as a CAN
ESC 1b ^[ Escape, start escape seq, cancel any others
All others are ignored
Control codes in C1 (high bit set) area.
These are replaced by ESC <code - 40h> in a 7-bit environment, or when
Controls is set to 7-bit output.
unsupported features are marked by an asterisk (*):
ignored features are marked by an exclamation-mark (!):
name 8-bit 7-bit operation
IND 84 ESC D Index, move cursor down one line, scrolls
NEL 85 ESC E Next line, like CR/LF, scrolls
HTS 88 ESC H Set Horizontal Tab at cursor's column
RI 8d ESC M Reverse index, move cursor up one line,scrolls
SS2 8e ESC N Map G2 to GL for next char only, single shift
SS3 8f ESC O Map G3 to GL for next char only, single shift
DCS 90 ESC P Device Control String introducer
consume through ST CAN SUB ESC
CSI 9b ESC [ Control Sequence Introducer
ST 9c ESC \ String Terminator
OSC 9d ESC ] Operating System Command, consume through ST
PM 9e ESC ^ Privacy Message, consume through ST
APC 9f ESC _ Applications Prog Command, consume through ST
All others are ignored
7-Bit escape sequences:
unsupported features are marked by an asterisk (*):
ESC-Seq Mnemonic Description of Action
* ESC ^L Enter Tektronix sub-mode, clear Tek screen.
ESC 7 DECSC Save cursor position, attributes, contents of
char sets used as GL and GR, wrap flag,
origin mode (DECOM), SS2/SS2 shifts.
ESC 8 DECRC Restore cursor from previously saved position
and information listed for DECSC
ESC # 3 DECDHL Double height and width line, top half
ESC # 4 DECDHL Double height and width line, bottom half
ESC # 5 DECSWL Single height and width line
ESC # 6 DECDWL Double width single height line
ESC # 8 DECALN Screen alignment test, fill screen with E's
ESC ( <ident> SCS Designates 94 byte character set <ident> to G0
ESC ) <ident> SCS Designates 94 byte character set <ident> to G1
ESC * <ident> SCS Designates 94 byte character set <ident> to G2
ESC + <ident> SCS Designates 94 byte character set <ident> to G3
* ESC - <ident> SCS Designates 96 byte character set <ident> to G1
* ESC . <ident> SCS Designates 96 byte character set <ident> to G2
* ESC / <ident> SCS Designates 96 byte character set <ident> to G3
<ident> size character set
A 96 ISO Latin-1 (default in G2, G3)
B 94 ASCII (default in G0, G1)
0 94 DEC Special Graphics (line drawing)
* 1 94/96 Kermit, ALT-ROM
2 94 DEC Special Graphics (line drawing)
%5 94 DEC Supplemental Graphics
< 94/96 User Preferred Supplemental Set
> 94 DEC Technical set (from VT340's)
ESC < Exit VT52 mode (to previous ANSI kind/VT320)
ESC = DECKPAM Enter numeric keypad application mode
ESC > DECKNPNM Enter numeric keypad numeric mode
ESC D IND Index, moves cursor down one line, can scroll
ESC E NEL Move cursor to start of line below, can scroll
ESC sp F S7C1T Disable output of 8-bit controls, use 7-bit
ESC sp G S8C1T Enable output of 8-bit control codes
ESC H HTS Set one horizontal tab at current position
ESC M RI Reverse Index, cursor up one line, can scroll
ESC N SS2 Single Shift 2, map G2 to GL for next char only
ESC O SS3 Single Shift 3, map G3 to GL for next char only
ESC P DCS Start Device Control String command (see below)
ESC Z DECID Identify terminal.
Response: CSI ? 63; 1; 2; 8; 9 c
ESC \ ST String Terminator of Device Control Strings
ESC ] OSC Operating System Command, ignored through ST
ESC ^ PM Privacy Message, ignored through ST
ESC _ APC Applications Program Command, ignored thru ST
ESC c RIS Reset terminal to initial state, hard reset
ESC n LS2 Map character set in G2 to GL, locking shift
ESC o LS3 Map character set in G3 to GL, locking shift
ESC | LS3R Map character set in G3 to GR, locking shift
ESC } LS2R Map character set in G2 to GR, locking shift
ESC ~ LS1R Map character set in G1 to GR, locking shift
ESC [ CSI Control Sequence Introducer, see list below
Control Sequences:
unsupported features are marked by an asterisk (*):
ignored features are marked by an exclamation-mark (!):
CSI-Seq Mnemonic Description of Action
CSI Pn @ ICH Insert Pn spaces at and after cursor
CSI Pn A CUU Cursor up Pn lines, does not scroll
CSI Pn B CUD Cursor down Pn lines, does not scroll
CSI Pn C CUF Cursor forward, stays on same line
CSI Pn D CUB Cursor backward, stays on same line
CSI Pn E CNL Next-line (same as cr/lf), do Pn times
CSI Pn F CPL Previous-line (reverse index), do Pn times
CSI Pr; Pc H CUP Set cursor to row, column
CSI Ps J ED Erase in display:
0 = cursor to end of screen, inclusive
1 = start of screen to cursor, inclusive
2 = entire screen, reset lines to single
width, cursor does not move.
CSI ? Ps J DECSED Selective erase in display:
0 = cursor to end of screen, inclusive
1 = start of screen to cursor, inclusive
2 = entire screen, cursor does not move.
CSI Ps K EL Erase in line:
0 = cursor to end of line, inclusive
1 = start of line to cursor, inclusive
2 = entire line, cursor does not move
CSI ? Ps K DECSEL Selective erase in line:
0 = cursor to end of line, inclusive
1 = start of line to cursor, inclusive
2 = entire line, cursor does not move
CSI Pn L IL Insert Pn lines preceding current line.
CSI Pn M DL Delete Pn lines from current downward, incl.
CSI Pn P DCH Delete Pn chars from cursor to left, incl.
CSI Pn; Pn R CPR Cursor report (row, column), sent by terminal
Example: home position yields CSI 1; 1 R
CSI Pn X ECH Erase Pn chars at and to right of cursor
CSI Pn c DA Device Attributes request, see reports
CSI > Pn c DA Secondary Device Attributes req, see reports
CSI Pr; Pc f HVP Set cursor to row, column
CSI Ps g TBC Tabs clear, Ps: 0 = at this position, 3 = all
CSI Pa;...Pa h SM Set ANSI mode, see table below
CSI Pa;...Pa l RM Reset ANSI mode, see table below
Pa Mnemonic Mode Set (h) Reset (l)
* 2 KAM Keyboard locked unlocked
* 3 CRM Control rep act upon debug display
4 IRM Insert insert replace
* 10 HEM Horz editing n/a always reset
* 12 SRM Local echo off on
20 LNM New Line lf=>cr/lf cr=>cr
CSI ? Ps;Ps h SM Set DEC mode, see table below
CSI ? Ps;Ps l RM Reset DEC mode, see table below
Ps Mnemonic Mode Set (h) Reset (l)
0 ignored
1 DECCKM cursor keys application cursor/numeric
* 3 DECCOLM Columns 132 col 80 col
4 DECSCLM Scrolling smooth jump
* 5 DECSCNM Screen reverse video normal
6 DECOM Origin use margins ignore margins
7 DECAWM Autowrap on off
* 8 DECARM Autorepeat on off
* 9 DECINLM Interlace on off
18 DECPFF Printer term Form Feed none
19 DECPEX Printer extent screen scrolling region
25 DECTCEM Cursor visible invisible
* 34 n/a Invoke macro: TERMINALS TERMINALR
* 38 n/a Graphics (Tek) graphics text
* 42 DECNRCM Nat Repl Char enable disable
66 DECNKM Numeric keypad application numeric
* 68 DECKBUM Typewriter data process typewriter
CSI Ps;Ps m SGR Select graphic rendition
0 all attributes off (#'s 1, 4, 5, 7)
1 bold, intensify foreground
4 underscore
* 5 blink
7 reverse video, per character
22 bold off
24 underline off
* 25 blinking off
27 reverse video off
when in color-mode:
30-37 = foreground color = 30 + colors
40-47 = background color = 40 + colors
CSI Ps n DSR Device Status request, see reports
CSI ! p DECSTR Reset of terminal
CSI Pa $ p DECRQM Report ANSI mode settings, see reports
CSI ? Pd $ p DECRQM Report DEC mode settings, see reports
CSI Pl; Pc " p DECSCL Set conformance level (set terminal type)
Pl Pc level selected
62 0 or 2 VT320, 8-bit controls (62 is otherwise VT200 level)
62 1 VT320, 7-bit controls
63 0 or 2 VT320, 8-bit controls (63 is otherwise VT300 level)
63 1 VT320, 7-bit controls
CSI Ps;Ps q DECLL Load LEDs, Ps = 0 means clear LED #1-4. VT102
CSI Ps " q DECSCA Select Character Protection Attribute
Ps = 0 erasable by DECSED or DECSEL
Ps = 1 not erasable by these cmds.
CSI Pt; Pb r DECSTBM Set top and bottom scrolling margins, resp.
CSI r resets margin to full screen.
CSI Ps $ u DECRQTSR Terminal State request, see reports
CSI & u DECRQUPSS User Preferred char set request, see reports
CSI Ps $ w DECRQPSR Presentation State request, see reports
* CSI sol x DECREQTPARM Request terminal parameters, see reports
* CSI 4; Ps;Ps y DECTST VT320 Confidence tests, exits status line
CSI Ps $ } DECSASD Select active status display
CSI Ps $ ~ DECSSDT Select Status Line Type
VT320 Report requests and responses
unsupported features are marked by an asterisk (*):
ignored features are marked by an exclamation-mark (!):
Request CSI c primary device attributes (terminal ident)
Response CSI ? 62; 1; 2; 6; 7; 8; 9 c
Request CSI > c secondary device attributes
Response CSI > 24; 1; 10; 0 c
Request CSI 5 n operating status
Response CSI 0 n no malfunction
Request CSI 6 n cursor position report
Response CSI Pr; Pc R Pr = row, Pc = column.
Request CSI ? 15 n printer status
Response CSI ? 11 n printer is not ready
Request CSI ? 25 n User Definable Key status
Response CSI ? 21 n UDKs are locked
Request CSI ? 26 n keyboard dialect
Response CSI ? 27; 0 n
Request CSI 1 $ u terminal state
* Request DCS Ps $ p str ST terminal restore state
Request CSI & u what is the User Preferred Supplemental Set
Response DCS 1 ! u A ST ISO Latin-1
Response DCS 0 ! u %5 ST DEC Supplemental Graphics
Request CSI 1 $ w cursor information report
Request CSI 2 $ w tab stop report
* Request DSC Ps $ t str ST restore presentation state
Request CSI Pa $ p ask state of ANSI mode controls
Response CSI Pa; Ps $ y pa = mode ps 0; 1; 2 (ukn; set; reset)
Request CSI ? Pd $ p state of DEC modes
Response CSI ? Pd; Ps $ y pd = mode ps 0; 1; 2 (ukn; set; reset)
* Request DCS $ q str ST control function setting
* Request DCS Ps ! u str ST assign User Preferred Supplemnental Set
* Request DCS Ps; Ps { str ST download or clear soft characters